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Friday, January 20, 2023


By Steve Govati
Everyone wants to be popular, I and you, but what is to be popular? The 2014 "Akazi amapha" hit maker Emmanuel Alfred Kamwendo popularly known as Mafo has described popularity as Ngozi (tragic). 
According to the singer despite that people in music industry are striving for popularity but his idea remains a fact.
Mafo who is in his 30s joined music industry some years back with his song "Akazi ndi Mowa umakonda chaa". The song in 2013 was played in almost every sound box and Malawians shaken their bodies in expressing their emotion towards the hit.
There is no one kick hit in the world, every move reduced hours, and miles to success. According to Mafo patient and focus drove him to his success.
I will always say we better wait to be popular rather than forcing matters. Some music are popular but their singers remain unknown to public, he said.

Mafo with mic voice added that journey to popularity is challenging but he made it.

Today, his intro, madala mafo has merged in lots of songs and promising for more songs. His distinguished voice and code of music has honored his career to the extent that public ascribed him honorable and has been called for multinational shows.
In my music journey, among others, I have managed to hold international shows with international artists like organized family in Cape Town, Mafo said.
Without a second bow to mind, the musician thought teaching might purvey a better future. He then trained as a teacher to have upper potentials in account at same time trying to draw more bars in music.
Mafos bars moved to null and one could wonder of his existence in the industry. After scrutinizing, he realized that there is need to focus on one issue and promised to take his music career to space. 
However, Mafo was quick to point out that lack of concentration has been a factor affecting his career in music. He has also pleaded to the upcoming artists to focus on their daily abilities for them to sail through the industry. 

Saturday, January 14, 2023


It might happens that you have tried others but not got satisfied! Yes we expected that to happen because there is only one welding center to your satisfactory! ZAZAZA WELDING SHOP, the welder you have to meet today. Ask around, others have already bought these. You can find this in Ntcheu, along M1 road, opposite to Ntcheu Kips. Or call Mr Zazaza at 0994 85 92 77. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2023


By Steve Govati 
Today, if you ask Stella Chitukula, 26, about her life, she will definitely tell you this: "there is a thin line between struggles and success”. 

According to her, life is enclosed in a phase "patience is vital".

Chitukula is a holder of diploma in Public health, obtained in 2022 at Malawi University of Business and Applied Science (MUBAS) continuing education center. She has been an executive member of a youth organization called Young Women's Agenda that is aiming at empowering youths and women economically since 2018.

According to Chitukula, her patience in executive position pave a way to heaven as she got motivated after tabling with some women tycoons. 

"This helped me to get in touch with many women who are entrepreneurs, like Emmie Kamkweche, who owns a Fashion Shop and a Car Import Company", she said.

According to her, life changed afterwards as she begun figuring out ways in which she can be like Kamkweche

“In 2019, I started importing goods from China at a very small scale, it was on and off due to the impact of Covid-19, she said.

Even in zero hope, she kept in her mind that there is a thin line between struggles and success. In 2022 January, with capital of $140 (at least MK120, 000.00) she began importing watches.

“I was importing every month which helped me to accumulate money up to $15 000 (at least MK20 million) by December 2022, she said. 

She added that in 2022 alone she managed to buy digital printing machine worth $4 000 (at least MK5 million), a vehicle for transportation business worth $6 000 (at least MK8 million)”. 

According to Chitukula, she have been facing challenges in business including lack of forex. This challenge made her to shift from importing to exporting such that she is doing every means possible to find ways to have products to be exported outside Malawi. 

Today, Stella Chitukula is running a printing company, Walla City Printers and she is a member of National Small and medium enterprises (NASME).

Wednesday, January 4, 2023


How can you explain your journey to success, easy or hard? Watch this video as CHIKONDANO HAWARD is narrating a journey to his dream. 

Friday, December 23, 2022


By Steve Govati

Have you ever met an electrician with disability: without hands and feet?

This is Peter Kandeu, born from a family of five. He is only a person with disability. To him born like that has been a challenge in life but he has fought a good battle and trained to be an electrician. Today he is qualified electrician and upcoming musician, you can follow his talent at Saube Kandeu MW.

Kandeu appealed for those with disability to be innovative and all Malawians to give opportunities to people like him.

This is what
Kandeu said “We have capabilities, yes we are disabled but we can”.

Friday, December 2, 2022


 By Steve Govati

this story is a continuation, to read first portion click here

"My brother I heard you want to get married, don't try that.
Nowadays, things have changed, your children are your responsibility no one can take care of them unless otherwise. You should rebuild your future to be brighter."

After the counsel, Bayan and his young brother left Ntcheu for Likoma in 2016 to stay with granny of his mother who is now 103 old.

 “We heard that our uncle left MK15 million to my sister Mary to aid our life before got buried in 2014. By then Mary was finalizing his education at Bunda college, we asked her to share at least MK3 million to help us, but she refused saying my father was alive and should take responsibility”, Bayan said.

His granny became responsible for his life including paying school fees. Life was sometimes hard when it came to food as most of the times they survived through tea.

Bayan resumed school as a form three student and his performance led him to head boy.

Despite the progress, food remained a challenge and his young brother was crying to return to Ntcheu.

“It was in 2017, every day he cried for Ntcheu but we had no money for transport and none to help us. Later, some relatives gave us some money and promised that we will never get any help from them even school fees,” he said.

He further said he reported the issue to school where headmaster sought to sponsor him but his relatives stopped the action.

That locked his school and he left for Ntcheu hopelessly.

“I asked my former employer (owner of the restaurant), Mrs Lungu for a job, luckily I was employed as house keeper but at same time I had to attend school”, he said.

“In this world, when you are doing great, some individuals hate it as they love seeing you in hot soup”, this is what Bayan said while facing the heavens.

“In Lungu’s house, someone pit on my bed and things went upside down. And I left for Nachiye where I was staying with my aunt until I wrote MSCE examination at Mcherezezo Secondary school", he said.

Later, Bayan went to Lilongwe where he was working at Tchasi car wash at a salary of MK14, 000 per month.

"It was hard to survive at that price. Then I begun working in deports to source income but things were still hard that I later went home", he narrated.

While in Ntcheu, he applied to be a G4S guard in Blantyre and in February 2018 he started working as guard.

In 2019 he begged an uncle to sponsor his tertiary education so to be an automobile mechanical.

"God was with me and my uncle accepted my request with only single thought. I started studying automobile mechanics at Sochi technical college", he said.

Bayan worked at G4S during nights and went for weekend classes at same time attending his internship during day hours.

"I sat for level 2 examination in 2021. Am now working at God Love People (GLP) Mechanics at Kanjeza in Blantyre”, he narrated.

“I had to fight for my own life to survive because no one was there for me at first. I had to start and some people helped me out of volcano. My upmost gratitude should go to GOD”, Bayan said.



We are going to finish a story of Fortune Bayan tomorrow. Of which will find this: ..... In this world, when you are doing great, some individuals hate it as they love seeing you in hot soup. This is what Bayan said while facing the heavens. "We heard that our uncle left 15 million to aid our life before got buried in 2014 to my sister Mary. By then Mary was in her last year at Bunda college, we asked her to share at least 3 million to help us, but she refused saying my father was alive and should take responsibility" "By then we were sleeping with empty stomachs sometimes taking only tea" ...... Don't miss it... Follow the page for more updates. We love you